Company search – how does it work internationally?

Company search - how does it work internationally?

When you’ve got a company in this digital age, odds are you are competing globally. There are literally millions of companies out there operating online – and this is one of the great things about the internet. It’s a fantastic democratiser, and something that makes the whole business world more connected.

One of the problems of the international focus is that there are bigger challenges in assessing your marketplace. A fruit and vegetable stand owner can wander up and down the market street to size-up the competition – but it’s a bit more difficult for a tech consultant to do the same, especially when operating primarily in one country and looking to do more business in another.

Luckily at Company Search MadeSimple we’ve recently started providing international company search options for our customers. This makes it much easier to get comprehensive reports on another company abroad.

Why Is International Company Search Useful For My Business

We’ve touched on the fact that international company search is good for scoping out the competition. However, you might not be too concerned by the competition, you might just wish to do an international company search to check the credibility of a new business partner or supplier abroad.

Whatever your needs are, there is no point in making a big splash in one country through savvy research and a keen business sense only to assume you’re above that when you move abroad.

Each economy is a different business landscape, and you’re not immune to being stung by an unreliable business partner who doesn’t pay their bills on time. So it’s well worth checking.

Other useful features of an international company search include:

  • Flexibility – We provide international company search options for a range of countries including United States, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Italy and France.
  • Cost – Your international company report costs just £19.99 and will be delivered to you within 24 hours (Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm GMT+0).
  • Details – You get all the important information you need, including credit rating and commentary, credit limit and financial accounts (up to three years).

Another useful aspect of an international company report is that they are 100% confidential, as are all of our company search options.

The Importance Of Company Search In Competitor Analysis

The best companies always use strategic techniques to to assess the weaknesses or strengths of competitors – whether they are new or established. Doing so can not only help a company spot a new opportunity – but also help prepare for potential threats.

As a result, the accuracy and timeliness of company search is absolutely crucial to good business. Writing for Information Age, IT reporter Chloe Green sourced a Gartner study  stating – “Considering how vital data is today – from marketing efforts to risk management – the lack of data quality measures should be a wake-up call to business leaders. Gartner estimates the annual financial impact of poor data quality is $13.3 million, on average”.

Start Your International Company Search Today

Good data is of the utmost important for business intelligence. This is why company search is so important for competitor analysis. Doing a company search, whether internationally or not, is very valuable – start your international company search today for a better business.

Don’t forget to check out the rest of our blog for more great resources.  For more information on international company search see the ‘International Reports’ section.

By Alex Novakovic at MadeSimpleFind Alex on Google+

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