Tag Archives: company accounts

What do the credit scores mean?

What do the credit scores mean?

Our company reports provide information on a company’s accounts and financial information, but they also provide an insight into a company’s credit score and suggested credit limit.

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How do I find a previous company name on a report?

How do I find a previous company name on a report?

Doing background research on a company and interested whether the company was previously known by another name? Rest assured that you are easily able to find what you’re looking for when downloading a company report.

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The company accounts information we can provide and how you can get it

Do you need financial information on company accounts UK? We can help. Our ‘UK Company’ credit reports include a huge amount of company account information for just £5.99. In this post we’ll look at the information we provide and where you’ll find it in the report. Continue reading

Company searches for smaller businesses – are they useful and how do they work?

Company searches for smaller businesses - are they useful and how do they work?

Undertaking a company search is something that a business of any size can do. You might think that searching company information on competitors or suppliers is something that only the bigger businesses can afford to do – but it’s just not true. Continue reading

Why it’s important to research your potential partnerships

Bad PartenerSHips

If you and your business are looking to branch out and seek help from other businesses it is imperative to do your research beforehand. We at Company Search MadeSimple can help you when investigating potential partnerships.

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Credit check companies – does my business send the right signals?

Credit check companies - does my business send the right signals?

When it comes to business, appearances mean a lot. It’s not just about making an impression in a pitch meeting or boardroom presentation – it’s also about giving the right signals to creditors. Continue reading

Does company search encourage competition?

Does company search encourage competition?

The question of competition is one that is absolutely critical in the business world. This is particularly important for startup businesses. It’s what makes it possible for a business to come through the ranks, from a startup to a larger company, in their sector. Continue reading

How are credit check companies like Company Search MadeSimple useful for small businesses?

How are credit check companies like Company Search MadeSimple useful for small businesses?

Credit is sometimes a confusing term. You might think of it as something like the amount of credit you have in the bank. This is true, in a sense. But when it comes to business, credit is more about the ability to pay back any money borrowed – and indeed the reliability of previous repayments. Continue reading