Tag Archives: company credit check

What do the credit scores mean?

What do the credit scores mean?

Our company reports provide information on a company’s accounts and financial information, but they also provide an insight into a company’s credit score and suggested credit limit.

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How can I find out if a company has dissolved on a company report?

How can I find out if a company has dissolved on a company report?

Did you know that our Company Credit Reports include information on whether a company has closed down or is still active? If you’re doing some background research on a potential partner or client, or are just curious, download a company report and find out a company’s status in minutes!
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The 4 steps to completing a company credit check

How are credit check companies like Company Search MadeSimple useful for small businesses?

A company credit check is the process of checking up on a company with the intention of gaining an insight into its credit rating and other information as well. At Company Search MadeSimple, completing a company credit check is – as you would expect, simple. In this post we’ll show you how to complete one is just four steps. Continue reading

Manchester clubs splash transfer market cash – but who’s got the best credit?

  • Leicester City tops the tables again after Premier League triumph 
  • Manchester clubs are wealthiest but rank lower in terms of credit worthiness 

On the eve of the new Premier League, Leicester City, the fairy-tale winner of the 2015/16 football season, has once again been crowned champions.

MadeSimple Group, the start-up specialist, has complied its own league table on the most credit-worthy football clubs of the 2015/16 season. Continue reading

What is a Company Credit Check?

Company Credit Check

Individuals being credit checked is the norm. When we apply for a bank account, a mortgage – even a mobile phone contract, we have to go through a credit check. But what is a company credit check? In this blog post we’re going to answer that question and demonstrate why company credit checks are here to help you. Continue reading

Company credit check online for fast and simple peace of mind

Company credit check online for fast and simple peace of mind

Finding peace and security in business is hard to do. But a company search can help you decide which suppliers are good, and which ones aren’t worth dealing with. This is because you can see the credit rating, credit limit and other financial information that is indicative of their reliability. Continue reading

Company check UK businesses for better competitor insights

Company check UK businesses for better competitor insights

When you do a company check on a UK company with Company Search MadeSimple, you get a large amount of information. This is fantastic if you’re looking for detail, and let’s face it – that’s where the devil is! Continue reading

Company credit check – Solving the mysteries of your competition

Company credit check - Solving the mysteries of your competition

Wouldn’t you just love to know what your competitors are up to? It’s a powerful insight to see how the people in your industry are operating, and there are great ways to do it using company search. Doing a simple company credit check, amongst other things, can give a great picture of your competitors finances. Continue reading

Credit check companies – how they help assess the competition

Credit check companies - how they help assess the competition

When you’re a business, you are an entity – you have many things that you need to keep on top of, and you need to keep yourself on the front foot so that you don’t leave yourself open to any kind of vulnerability. Continue reading

Company searches for smaller businesses – are they useful and how do they work?

Company searches for smaller businesses - are they useful and how do they work?

Undertaking a company search is something that a business of any size can do. You might think that searching company information on competitors or suppliers is something that only the bigger businesses can afford to do – but it’s just not true. Continue reading